Exhibition: Margareta Peršić - Kavč festival
Location: Insula Gallery, Smrekar Street 20
Time: 6.00 pm
Free entry
In 150 kitchens and living rooms, galleries and museums, offices, barns, cellars, mountain huts, and other unusual venues, the tenth subcultural KAVČ FESTIVAL will take place.
With a story, she invites you on a new adventure, into a safe and invisible space of fantasy and dreams. She will guide you beyond the visible world, where magnificent heroes, beautiful maidens, and wonders beyond imagination await. In this world, visitors will drink from the spring of living water. The message is clear – time waits for no one. The ship is ready to set sail, its sails are raised. On the endless sea, she knows where the mainland awaits, and upon returning from this journey, your soul will be refreshed, radiant, and filled with inspiration.
Organizer: Kavč Festival