Jeder bewährt mindestens ein Geheimnis, verbunden mit dem Ort, wo wir wohnen. Die Geheimnisse sind unterschiedlich - eine sind weniger, andere mehr versteckt. Einige teilen wir in einem Augenblick mit anderen, wieder andere bleiben für immer versteckt.
Die Bewohner von Izola haben einige mit Ihnen geteilt. Wir können sie Geheimnisse nennen oder auch ihre Erlebnisse, vielleicht ihre Lieblingsmomente, wessen die sie gern in seinem Ort leben.
Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse von der BewohnerInnen von Izola

The Secret of the Church of St. Maurus
The parish priest Janez Kobal took over the ministry in the parishes of Izola and Korte 17 years ago. About 250 years ago, as many as 12 priests cared for the parish, which testifies to the importance of the Church at that time.
The sacral heritage of Izola is opulent and the Church of St. Maurus is surely one of the most picturesque buildings in the area. It stands on the highest point of the former island and gives the town its distinctive silhouette. In the 14th century, on the site of today’s magnificent church with a white and orange façade, stood a smaller church, which has later undergone many architectural transformations. The Church of St. Maurus was built between 1547 and 1553. In that year, it was dedicated to St. Maurus: the patron saint of the church, who, according to the legend, saved the town from the Genoese occupation in 1380. The church was later restored and rebuilt several times.
“The church was built in the Renaissance style, imitating the style of Venice. The inhabitants of Izola chose the best Venetian architects and painters for the renovation. You don’t have to go to Venice. Come to Izola, and you’ll see part of it here.”
The priest told us an anecdote, which also testifies to the artistic riches found in the church. Inside there is a painting depicting St. Laurence giving alms to the poor. It was made by the students of the prominent Venetian painter Bernardo Strozzi, who is considered the main founder of the Venetian Baroque style. Years ago, the church was visited by a great art lover, who was apparently also a collector, seeing that he asked to buy the painting for a dazzling sum. Nevertheless, the priest stood by his principles and the work of art still contributes to the importance of the sacral heritage in Izola.
Would you like to find out more? Watch the video.
Janez Kobal

Die Angelrute wechselte er für das Netz
Als Davor als Kind die Angelrute in der Hand hatte, wurde die erste Sympathie zwischen ihm und dem Meer geboren. Zuerst beschäftigte er sich mit dem professionellen Angeln und nahm an acht Weltmeisterschaften teil, wo er sogar 4 Medaillen bekam. Später wechselte er die Angelrute für Angelnetz und die Sympathie überwuchs in eine richtige Liebe, die hält und ist gleichzeitig auch sein Lebensstil.
„Die Zauberhaftigkeit von Izola liebt in einem echten Kontakt mit dem Meer, der über Angeln nur wenige Menschen noch pflegen. Ich bin einer davon. Ich angele schon seit 30 Jahren, genieße das Meer und liebe es vom ganzen Herzen. Es ist nicht leicht, aber das Meer ist ehrlich und freigebig für diejenigen, die Wille und Beharrlichkeit haben.“
Davor Ivkovič

Tastes of summer in a tiny jar
Inhabitants of seaside towns live in harmony with the sea and everything it has to offer. For years, people in the area have been harvesting salt following traditional methods. The salt is a real gourmet treat, and preservation of salt-harvesting habits reminds us of the importance of cultural heritage. The salt in Slovenian Istria is harvested in the salt pans of Sečovlje and Strunjan. The salt-workers use traditional tools - wooden scrapers. The salt is hand-harvested and transported in wagons. The Kolman family from Izola also cultivates a love for traditional salt-harvesting, Istrian flavors, as well as for the spices and herbs that grow along the Adriatic coast. In their company - Fina Isolana, they prepare mixtures of Piran salt and natural herbs, hand-picked in the Adriatic. Their story stems from the once simple lifestyle of the locals. "Our family always gathered at the table after a long day's work. With a bit of food and a lot of love, we grew up" says Mitja Kolman, who runs the business. He believes that the essential thing in life is enjoying the company of good people over quality food and drink. The idea of preparing salt and herb mixtures developed precisely from this: the goal is to make the food we share with friends even more delicious. As Mitja's nonna used to say: "To eat, drink, and love each other – that is to live!" Don't we all agree?
Discover the story of this small family-run business and the secret, carefully stored in a tiny jar.
Mitja Kolman

»I think about photography all the time«
Alan Bučar Vukšić is a young photographer whose beautiful photographs of Izola also fill the Visit Izola Instagram profile. He started taking photos after sustaining a knee injury. He's always been an athlete – a football player. As part of rehabilitation after the injury, he started cycling. On his cycling adventures, he noticed the beautiful viewpoints of Izola and Istrian nature. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and began to take pictures … Soon, he bought a camera, which he didn't use at first. Instead, he continued taking photos with his phone. However, when he went on holiday to the Canary Islands with his mother, he started to take photographs with his new camera. Since then, they have been inseparable! Alan takes his camera everywhere, and he's always on the lookout for different views of the nature that surrounds us. » I take photos literally every day, « he told us.
Which one do you think is his favourite spot for photography? Take a look at the video below!
Alan Bučar Vukšić, photographer