Days of wild asparagus
Asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius) are delicious wild sprouts, harbingers of spring in Istria. They grow individually, usually in the company of thorny undergrowth. We can find them from March to early June and use them to prepare a colorful array of dishes. The most common and easy way is to pair them with scrambled eggs. If you prefer a hearthier dish, scroll through the »tastes of Izola« and discover a recipe that will impress you.
You are invited to the Wild Asparagus Days from March 14th to 30th in selected inns and restaurants.
Green plates of Izola
Restaurants in Izola come together in culinary days, by which they promote typical local ingredients under a common culinary denominator. During the Days of Wild Asparagus, which are the first culinary days of the year, you will pamper your taste buds with various asparagus dishes prepared by our chefs.
Fresh and local
The restaurants participating in the culinary days are also part of the Kilometer Zero initiative, which aims to promote fresh ingredients from the local environment. The initiative obliges the restaurateurs to source at least 80 % of ingredients from the local area directly from the providers.
This method follows the guideline »From the sea (or in this case field) to the plate«, ensuring fresh and wholesome dishes and making a significant contribution to the support of local farmers.
You can also buy delicious crops from the Istrian land at the seasonal market »Ruba sz moje njive« (Stuff from my field).